Beauty lies in the Eyes of the viewer!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My First Most HorrIbLe Bike AccideNT :-0!!

It was on 5th Magh 2068 (20th Jan'11), I was with my two best friends (Deep and Roshan). It had just been few weeks that I had started riding my motorbike (Honda Unicorn 150cc). Though I didn't hold a license, I was free to ride bike in inner roads of my place (Basundhara). That day, the three of us went for travel on my bike to a place we have named "Jomsom danda". We stayed there for a couple of minutes and just after some time Deep had a phone call on his cell phone. It was his grandfather - and Deep was to receive him from some place. So, we hurried back to Deep's dwelling. Then from there we headed out towards Sehanshah hotel to pick up grandpa from there. After this was done, we left for Deep's aamaghar to drop grandfather. 
Perhaps, it was from here the whole of the story started. Roshan was with me sitting at the rear seat of Unicorn and Deep was on his Pulsar. We went towards Krishna Mandir of Dhapasi. I was "Overexcited" while I was riding the bike. Roshan was scolding me not to ride the bike so fast, but I didn't listen to whatever he said. Instead I increased the speed and applied brakes carelessly. But neither of us was aware of what was waiting for us on the way. We reached the turning near Deurali Janata Pvt. Ltd where a big truck was at a halt. I was agitated by the fun I was having by riding the bike. And without any thought I tried to pass my bike through a small space available at the left side of the truck. Half way through the truck the bike was in a control. But, as we passed the half line of the truck a wire hanging from a pole above got winded up on the handle of bike. Instead of stopping the bike and taking out the wire from there...I did it without putting a halt. During this I did not see where the bike was destined to go. SUDDENLY, THE BIKE CRASHED WITH A CAR (Indica V2) which was on the right side of the road. Awe....what a situation it was....My heart started pacing...and I got frenetic! The first thought I had on my mind was to run away...because there was nothing I could think of much at such a weary situation. Nonetheless, to my bad luck, the knob of the leg guard had got stuck on the bumper of the car, so, when I tried to accelerate, more of the bumper got out. OUCH! Immediately after that, I heard a noise from the back. I turned back to see a furious man coming out of the car with red eyes. He asked for my license ....Shit ...and as I told earlier I DID NOT HAVE ONE!!! I tried to take out the knob but it was too late. The man was right behind us ....On top of that, four policemen were headed towards right in our direction like in a filmy way....What a great timing it was! Really pissed me off!!! In no matter of time a huge crowd gathered around and I myself was surrounded by a sea of guilt, dilemma, and questions. I could by a hair's breadth do anything now and could barely answer the questions of the car owner and the police. They asked the bill book as well which too I had not got! I was in a shock. Never been in such an awkward situation before, I had no clue what I had to do and what I had to say. The policeman took the keys of the bike.  The policeman talking to the car owner said, “Shall we settle this in the Police Station or will you two negotiate?". Hell! I was damn sure that I would land up in the jail in a couple of moment. But luckily, the owner was a nice fellow; instead of taking me to jail he chose to negotiate with me and my family. Therefore he asked where I lived, and where my parents were and with whom I stayed. I told him everything. Dad was not in Kathmandu at that moment; it was just mom, me and brother (Aashish) back at home. The policeman asked for the Bill book of the bike. I thought of giving a call to Aashish to inform him what had happened. Deep and Roshan were standing right beside me holding me and just as perplexed and paranormal as I was. I asked Deep to go back to Basundhara on his bike and bring Aashish and bill book as well. He, on the spur of the moment rushed on the way home. While he was gone, I and Roshan were standing there in front of the policeman and the owner and listening to their talks. The police were interrogating the people what had actually happened. Some people (younger) asked me to runaway with the bike when I get the chance. Others came by and told at least something I would have done when I had hit the car. Perhaps all of it made me more unsettled. There came Deep and Aashish. Ahhh….what a relief it was to see them. As soon as he got out of the bike, Aashish came running to the scene and showed the police the bill book of our bike. Deep asked to be back in a moment after parking his bike at home, so Deep and Roshan were out for a while.  

In the meantime, the owner started to have conversation with Aashish. I was listening to the conversation just then my cell phone started to vibrate. I looked up on the screen and I saw it was written “MOM” I grew more scared. I did not pick up the phone for a while. For a second time there was another call from her. I still did not attend the call because I was hell scared of what she would say. Yet again there was a call, however this time I made up my mind and attended the call. She straight away asked if I was alright, later she asked where I was and what had happened. After that she told me not to be worried and told that my aunt and uncle (Sita aunty and Ambar uncle) would be there any moment as she had informed about the incident to them. I was so much relieved and happy that instead of scolding me or doing any such things, she made me more comfortable. Meanwhile on the scene the owner and Aashish had come to a conclusion that police would not be involved in this case and we would solve it out ourselves. “At least now I would not be having a police report”, I spoke to myself in confidence. On that very state of affairs, aunty and uncle arrived on the scene. Form the other side came Deep and Roshan. I felt better as I was surrounded by more of people who loved me and would not let me be in trouble at all. They started negotiating again. As the conclusion had already been drawn we decided to cover up for the cost of the making of the damaged parts. That would be done, but where was the big question here. My brother said it’s better to settle it now. But it was already around 7:30 or something. So we agreed to meet up in the early morning at around 8. The owner took the license and the spectators returned back home. We too returned back home.
 But back at home the atmosphere was so different. Everyone was so tensed and worried. And they were discussing what would have happened. After reaching home Aashish scolded me and asked me why I took the bike to the hill side. I was speechless. After all I was guilty and I had to stay quiet. Then mom consoled me telling nothing would happen. She said whatever happened it was destined to be. Now it’s gone, why do you get worried! But I was so tensed because I know who grieve mistake I had done. And I was well aware it was going to be costly. I ran from home for a while. I just took a walk around to get rid of the melancholy. But it was in vain. I got more depressed. I sat on the staircase of a home on the chowk. I was thinking a lot of things and the one which was more vibrant was “What would have happened if I had escaped from there?” As I was reminiscing everything that had happened back there, one of my friends’s (a girl and surely not my gf) was returning from her tuitions. She saw me there, sitting depressed and totally heart shred and asked me what the matter was. But I was in no mood of talking. She insisted repeatedly on telling me what had gone wrong. After much of insistence and persistence, I told her everything that had happened back there. She smiled and said, “Then why you are so worried!”  And funnily she started telling some jokes. I thought it was foolish but actually it worked. Then Aashish arrived. He asked me to return back home. I was feeling a little better. So, I returned back home. This was one of the worst nightmares of my life…..But it sure taught me a lot of lessons. It is one event that caused me to change so much as I am now. I am Thankful to myself that I rode the bike so carelessly and had the opportunity to have that accident, because it made a very positive change in my life. Now I’ve the answer why I did not run from that place!!!hehe….that is good to be kept secret!!!

Hell!!! Look what I did to the bumper!!I won a BUMPER PRIZE!!!DISASTER!

Money all gone!!!SHIT!!!

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