Beauty lies in the Eyes of the viewer!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

I am a Traveller

I love wandering to places and site seeing....Moreover whenever I'm free, I walk around places alone and enjoy the crowd....It helps me get rid of the melancholy I suffer with too frequently!!!! That is the instant formula to get rid of the problems you have because when you travel, you get to see so much of things and people. Furthermore, you come to know about life apart from yours and also the problems that are more oversize and more problematic than your our. Then you feel much relieved from the tensions you have within. Also, I am a scene-admirer and preserver and I carry a cam along with me almost everywhere I go. So, that means I've tons of snapshots of almost every category which I'll be sharing with you people in this blog!!!! Keep Waiting!! till Then Have Fun Wandering and enjoying what you can see with your eyes!!

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